Every time I read these classic quotes from Buffett, my investment mentality will improve, I will no longer be so anxious and irritable, and my mentality will be much calmer.
1. The first major investment principle: independent thinking and inner peace.
2. Be vigilant when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are vigilant.
3. Being an excellent investor does not require a high IQ, but only the ability to not follow the crowd easily.
4. Don't "speculate" in stocks, you should buy value and never sell.
5. If you invest in stocks, it is recommended not to exceed 20.
6. If you belong to the luckiest 1% of humans, then you should consider the other 99% of people, this is what you should do.
7. Avoid fear, arrogance, and irritability.
8. The first principle of investment is never to lose money, and the second principle is to remember the first principle.
9. If you don't plan to hold a stock for ten years, don't hold it for ten minutes; my favorite holding time is... forever!
10. You must be fully prepared financially and psychologically to cope with the volatility of the stock market. If you can't watch the stock you bought fall to half of the price you bought it at and still plan your investment calmly, you shouldn't play this game.
11. You should regard stocks as many small business parts, regard market fluctuations as your friends rather than enemies, profits sometimes come from blind loyalty to friends rather than participating in market fluctuations, and the most important words about investment are the concept of "margin of safety".
12. People buy stocks and decide whether their investment is correct based on the rise and fall of stock prices the next morning. This is simply nonsense.
13. You don't buy stocks, you buy a part of the business.
14. We basically don't do due diligence. Our due diligence is basically looking into their eyes.
15. How much wealth you can accumulate in your life does not depend on how much money you can make, but on how you invest and manage your finances. Money finds people better than people find money. You must understand that money works for you, not you work for money.
16. Those best deals, when you first start, the numbers will almost tell you not to buy.