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At 1 a.m. on Monday night, OpenAI held a press conference and live broadcast globally! Pay attention to the currencies related to the AI ​​intelligent sector! $WLD , $FET , ARKM, PHB, AGIX. Remember to buy the bottom when the decline stops today, and then leave when it rises during the conference to get a short-term rebound! If you can't get the final bottom, then buy the bottom in batches! $ALT is the leading currency in the popular modular sector AltLayer (ALT) is a project dedicated to Ethereum expansion. Since its establishment at the end of 2021, it has helped more than 40 partners to customize and release exclusive application chains based on rollup technology, and assisted Xterio, SWELL, DODO and other projects to use advanced re-staking mode to release Restaked Rollup (also the earliest batch of EigenLayer mainnet AVS). Recently released good news: AltLayer announced that it has entered the second phase and launched the re-staking ALT token reALT! reALT is an automatically compounded ERC20 shared token that captures users' ALT staking contributions and accumulates compound rewards. reALT is issued to users who stake ALT in the main staking pool. ALT users can obtain basic rewards by staking ALT tokens in the main reward pool, and delegate ALT tokens to different Launchpool pools by re-staking to win future rewards from projects such as Xterio, SWELL, and DODO. As the core release platform of AVS, the largest node of AVS, and the largest contributor and partner of EigenDA, ALT plays an important role in the EigenLayer ecosystem! The innovation of ALT Restaked Rollup and Launchpool in technology and token economic model, coupled with the innovation and benefits of the alt re-staking function, has also greatly promoted its market. You can pay attention to the market trend of ALT #ALT再质押生态 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件

At 1 a.m. on Monday night, OpenAI held a press conference and live broadcast globally!

Pay attention to the currencies related to the AI ​​intelligent sector!

$WLD , $FET , ARKM, PHB, AGIX. Remember to buy the bottom when the decline stops today, and then leave when it rises during the conference to get a short-term rebound!

If you can't get the final bottom, then buy the bottom in batches!

$ALT is the leading currency in the popular modular sector

AltLayer (ALT) is a project dedicated to Ethereum expansion. Since its establishment at the end of 2021, it has helped more than 40 partners to customize and release exclusive application chains based on rollup technology, and assisted Xterio, SWELL, DODO and other projects to use advanced re-staking mode to release Restaked Rollup (also the earliest batch of EigenLayer mainnet AVS).

Recently released good news: AltLayer announced that it has entered the second phase and launched the re-staking ALT token reALT!

reALT is an automatically compounded ERC20 shared token that captures users' ALT staking contributions and accumulates compound rewards. reALT is issued to users who stake ALT in the main staking pool.

ALT users can obtain basic rewards by staking ALT tokens in the main reward pool, and delegate ALT tokens to different Launchpool pools by re-staking to win future rewards from projects such as Xterio, SWELL, and DODO.

As the core release platform of AVS, the largest node of AVS, and the largest contributor and partner of EigenDA, ALT plays an important role in the EigenLayer ecosystem!

The innovation of ALT Restaked Rollup and Launchpool in technology and token economic model, coupled with the innovation and benefits of the alt re-staking function, has also greatly promoted its market. You can pay attention to the market trend of ALT

#ALT再质押生态 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布

#山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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