Brothers, let me say this first. Tonight, the price of Bitcoin falls below 60,000. Don’t be afraid. Get on board and add to your position. I’ll post this as a proof. You will come back to thank me by the end of the year.

At 10 o'clock last night, DaPiaoli announced that the one-year inflation rate in May was 3.5%, which was 3.2% as expected and 3.2% as before. What does this data mean?

To put it simply, it is a big negative. If the inflation rate increases, people's purchasing power will be weakened, corporate turnover will be poor, the US dollar will depreciate, and monetary policy will be tightened.

So after the data came out last night, Federal Reserve's Bostik jumped out and said something like, roughly, the interest rate cut may have to be delayed, and that interest rates may have to be raised if necessary, and other nonsense like that.

But forget it, even if you really cut interest rates, the economy may not necessarily get better. Why do you still want to raise interest rates? The people will definitely rebel against you. It's like an old lady getting on the kang and making a fool of herself.

As soon as the news came out last night, Bitcoin plummeted by more than 3,000 points. The 63,800 high ground that was painstakingly captured during the day was instantly destroyed. Driven by Bitcoin, altcoins also plummeted. The amount of liquidation in 24 hours was close to 1 billion RMB, and the number of people involved was as high as 43,700.

According to yesterday's ETF data, the net outflow was US$84.7 million. Grayscale, the big seller, sold US$100 million, BlackRock took over US$12 million, and other ETFs failed to deliver.

The Hong Kong ETF is still in its infancy. Let’s not talk about the data. The data shows that on the one hand, market funds are in a wait-and-see state, and on the other hand, it also shows that ETFK is beginning to weaken. It is impossible to expect it to reverse the situation at the moment.

Where will the new driving force for the market breakthrough come from? Tangren believes that if the market wants to take off, the first thing to solve is the liquidity of funds, and the money must be heated up first.

What can solve the problem is that the Fed cuts interest rates to activate the market, awaken market liquidity through policy stimulus, and allow funds from outside the circle to flow into the circle continuously, so that the bull market will take off.

Today, EigenLayer officially announced that Season 1 has distributed 113 million EIGEN to users, and 8.9 million EIGEN have been pledged/delegated within a few hours. There will be hundreds of millions of US dollars in airdrop rewards in the future.

Tangren is not opposed to projects from big companies like this. As long as you participate, you will almost certainly get certain benefits. The way the game is played in the crypto circle is constantly changing. If you are not brave enough to jump out and embrace the changes, you will always be a harvested leek.

Tangren’s interpretation of the market:

Bitcoin: Last night, the daily line plummeted and closed with a big negative line. The short-term bottoming structure was destroyed. According to the volume and the decline, there is still a demand for further exploration. The bears have an absolute advantage. The current market is in a shock consolidation cycle. 60,000 points is a strong support level for Bitcoin. If it holds, the market will be fine. If it falls below, it will go straight to 52,000. Therefore, a break below is an opportunity to get on board. Please contact Chatron Tangren for the specific point.

Auntie: 2880 is an effective support level, which is linked to the big cake.

As for copycat stocks: Bitcoin leads all to fall, there is no money-making effect, waiting for the market to recover, and the process of consolidation and pullback is an opportunity.

Tangren talks about strategy:

Yesterday I reminded everyone to reduce their positions in time. The current market situation is not suitable for operation. In the short term, the market will enter a period of earth-shaking volatility, but we cannot rule out the possibility of a sneak attack by the dog dealers.

If it is really as Tangren expected, the fall will be a good opportunity for us to take over the chips, so prepare the bullets and focus on the three main narrative sectors: AI sector, meme, and solana.

Next, if you want to know more about the strategic layout and coin selection logic, you can: follow Tangren, leave your ideas in the comment section, and let us make money together in the cryptocurrency circle.


The essence of Tangren’s trading strategy: The first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

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