My boss gave me a project privately. I earned 380,000 yuan. I made up my mind and gave my boss 200,000 yuan. He gave me a bottle of wine and asked me: How does the wine taste? Half a year later, I was directly promoted to deputy position in the department.

That day, when the boss called me to his office, my first reaction was that I had done something wrong. His office always gave people an inexplicable sense of pressure, but that day, his expression was surprisingly relaxed.

"Xiao Li, I have a project here and I want you to be in charge of it." The leader said as he handed me a document. He explained that this was a procurement project that he got through some of his personal connections. I was secretly shocked because such projects are usually incredibly lucrative and have a very short cycle.

He looked at me with an elusive look of expectation in his eyes. "I chose you because I know you are not only capable but also sensible. This is not only an opportunity, but also a test." Hearing him say this, I was very excited. I also understood the meaning behind his words and knew that this was a good opportunity. But I was also a little nervous. I knew that if I didn't handle this kind of thing well, my career in this company would be over.

After the project started, I started intense preparation work. After contacting the supplier, I found that many things about this project cannot be detailed, as if someone had arranged it in advance.

Throughout the process, I tried to maximize my interests without damaging the relationship. Every time I negotiated with a supplier, I tried to grasp every detail, carefully study the contract, and make sure I didn't leave any handles for the other party.

One month later, the project was not only successfully completed, but also very profitable. I personally earned 380,000 yuan from it. I was a little embarrassed at first when faced with this fortune. Finally, I made up my mind and gave 200,000 yuan in cash directly to the leader. I know that there is no such thing as pie in the sky in this world. Moreover, I still understand the principle of steady income.

When I delivered the money to the leader's home, he just smiled faintly and said, "You did a good job." Then he took out a bottle of wine from the drawer and handed it to me, "This bottle of wine is good, take it back and try it."

"Thank you, boss!" I took the wine, feeling mixed emotions. This bottle of wine was not only a recognition of my work, but also a hint from the boss - the relationship between us is no longer just a simple relationship between superiors and subordinates.

This six-month project not only made me money, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the human relationships in the workplace. I seemed to have found a new position in this game.

After that successful project, my work status and mentality have changed a lot. Every day when I walk into the company, I always feel that my colleagues look at me with more respect. And I am more confident in handling every document and participating in every meeting.

Half a year later, one spring afternoon, my boss called me to his office again. I was a little nervous, not knowing what kind of task I would be assigned this time. However, what was waiting for me was unexpected good news.

"Xiao Li, you have performed very well during this period. How does the wine taste?" The leader looked at me with a rare gentleness in his tone. "The company has decided to promote you to deputy department position." He handed me a document, which was my new position appointment letter.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I was overwhelmed with excitement. "Thank you, I will continue to work hard." I tried to keep my voice calm, but the joy in my heart was hard to suppress.

The leader nodded, his eyes seemed to reveal a kind of expectation. "I believe you can do better. This is not only a recognition of your past achievements, but also an expectation for your future potential."

On the day of my promotion, I opened the bottle of wine given by my boss and was surrounded by the refreshing aroma. I was glad that I made the right choice! #ETH #新币挖矿 #香港加密货币ETF #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个?