In the fourth round, the principal of 571u was 10 times 5710u, and then the loss was 400u. Now it has returned to 2915u, as shown in the figure. Yesterday afternoon, the Qizai community's bid land sharing publicly issued a long order for Ethereum. The strategy team issued a market trend analysis of the big cake, bullish strategy, and uma's short bid land, rune's breakthrough order. Last night before going to bed, the chat concentration camp publicly shared the big meat opportunity of Wif!

Yesterday's bullish logic of the market, from the price behavior, the sharp drop and slow pull washing behavior was obvious, and both 2h and 4h showed stabilization signals and reversal K. The evening news also showed that the market could not fall. Although the intraday K-line fluctuated downward, it was immediately pulled up after the drop, which can be determined as accumulation, and there was no negative decline. In addition, when the big cake was stagnant, there were varieties that dared to pull 70% of the increase, indicating that the market environment has warmed up. As for whether there will be a sharp drop near the trend line, it is unknown. Just keep an empty position and wait and see, don't be too big! If it can stand firm at 65,000, I think it will start a reversal. If it can't stand firm, just wait for the bottom in May and boldly copy it. In general, the interest rate cut may be in September and October. After all, it took a lot of effort to reduce inflation, and it takes time to confirm the stable inflation data! With the Trump election, I think the big market is coming in the fourth quarter of this year!

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