Nearly 2 years ago, I thought I would give up the market forever this time, because investing in spot sometimes nearly split 8 times, even though the capital was only 1/3 compared to the huge losses. into futures and margin in the 2017-2021 period, maybe because I put a lot of faith in the decision to only invest in spot when I return to the market, so even though my capital is small, I still feel afraid of losing when it's almost 8 times the number. capital.

I have shared this investment project in a previous article, in this article I will only summarize as follows. Specifically, I invested in each of the top 30 Coinmarketcap projects and after dividing 10 times from the peak, I started buying and every 10 to 15% decrease I continued to buy and when there was a strong correction from $BTC then the project I invested in decreased by 50%. At this time, the psychology of winning or losing made me go all-in on my existing savings book. At this time, I didn't have a penny left in me, other than my monthly salary, which was enough to cover my expenses. life. During this period, I was so depressed that I almost quit the market, withdrew tokens to my wallet, deleted the app, and forgot to pay attention to the market for a few months.

This method saved me. During a few months of forgetting about the market, I worked hard and accumulated a little more capital. At that time, in October, the project I invested in had continuously decreased for several consecutive months. At this time, my capital decreased by 80% and the special thing is that during the whole month of October the price chart only moved sideways, the trading volume was still steady, so I decided to buy more, then in November the price chart continued. continued to move sideways and I decided to buy again. Finally, when DCA 2 times in a row at the price range has reduced 80% of the capital, the project I invested in only needs to increase 3 times at the current price and I will return. edge.

The results are clear to everyone. After November 2023, most altcoins recovered strongly, as did the projects I invested in. The only regret is that I sold them all when I recovered 85% of my capital. But this is a lesson that helps me gain experience in capital management and know how to wait for DCA to average the most effective price for the current season.

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