What is KILOEX - Next generation of user-friendly perpetual DEX on BNB Chain/opBNB/Manta.

"Welcome to KiloEx - the decentralized exchange that offers the best of both worlds. Our platform provides traders with lightning-fast trades, real-time tracking of market activity, and a intuitive trading experience, while offering liquidity providers risk-neutral positions and LP-friendly solutions. At KiloEx, we believe that traders and liquidity providers alike should have the freedom and security to take control of their trades and investment. Join the revolution of decentralized trading today on KiloEx, where trading meets risk management." - KiloEX team.

Puffer finance

Puffer is a decentralized native liquid restaking protocol (nLRP) built on Eigenlayer

It makes native restaking on Eigenlayer more accessible, allowing anyone to run an Ethereum Proof of Stake (PoS) validator while supercharging their rewards.


The next-generation on-chain money market.

Kinza Finance is the next-generation decentralized lending protocol on BNB Chain. Kinza Finance is non-custodial, permissionless, secure, and incorporates cutting-edge DeFi mechanisms and solutions to offer users a flexible and highly customizable DeFi lending experience. Built-in mechanisms and rewards incentivize participation, and innovative tokenomics ensure unparalleled sustainability.


A total potential supply of 5%, or 5 Million $KZA will be distributed during airdrops after the Token Generation Event. The amount of KZA airdropped will be majorly proportional to time-weighted TVL each user contributed leading up to TGE. This airdrop kick-starts the Kinza Wars by rewarding early supporters of the platform who can be the first to stake, vote, participate, and earn in the earliest epoch.

Thats all folks 🥳😁 Thanks for reading! 🙏
