1. Asset status: About 1340 USDT, +210 compared to yesterday.
2.Holding positions 1) Spot 0.
2) Contract
W_Long_2000 W
PYTH_Long_1500 PYTH
BOME_Long_50000 BOME
TRB_Long_30 TRB
3. Today's operation/plan: I entered and exited TRB with courage. I earned about 100U and exercised my heart. I also added some W long orders when W fell sharply during the day. I plan to prepare for a light position again, and TRB will adapt to the situation.
4. Today's notes: The mentality of operating with a light position and a stable order is too stable, and it is so easy to hold a stable order. It is really not a loss. In order to maintain a calm mentality, I plan to continue to focus on light positions and swings, and occasionally play fast orders to exercise my heart's endurance. Continue to diary in the square to distract your attention and maintain your mentality.