Title: Brewing Change: Revolutionizing Open-Source with Tea Protocol


firstly, tea Protocol is and open-source project build on Base superchain.

In the dynamic landscape of open-source development, a new contender has emerged: Tea Protocol. This innovative protocol introduces "Proof of Contribution," a novel consensus mechanism aimed at quantifying the impact of projects across various open-source systems. But what exactly is Tea Protocol, and how does it aim to transform the open-source ecosystem?


Tea Protocol introduces a unique approach called "Proof of Contribution," which assigns a dynamic score, known as a project’s teaRank, based on its utilization within the broader open-source ecosystem. Unlike traditional metrics, teaRank evaluates a project’s impact from its core to its dependencies, ensuring fair rewards for all contributors.


Traditional metrics like PageRank struggle with open-source due to user-generated metadata and spam attacks. Tea Protocol tackles these challenges head-on by employing a specialized algorithm designed to identify and isolate spam packages, ensuring that only impactful projects receive rewards.


Tea Protocol distinguishes between package maintainers, package users, project supporters, and tea tasters, each playing a crucial role in the ecosystem's sustainability. From maintaining projects to validating their quality, every participant contributes to the success of Tea Protocol.


Projects registered with Tea Protocol receive Proof of Contribution rewards based on their teaRank. Package maintainers must continuously stake a portion of these rewards to bolster their project’s reputation and trustworthiness, ensuring ongoing contributions.

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➢ Go to app.tea.xyz/testnet

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➢ Earn many points

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