Will CZ get a reduced sentence?
The judge may recommend a lighter sentence for the following reasons:
1. Awareness of CZ's voluntary confession: The judge can review and evaluate CZ's self-admission and acceptance of responsibility for violating the law. This admission may be considered a positive factor and may influence the decision on sentence.
2. CZ's assistance during the investigation: If CZ has provided useful information and actively cooperated during the investigation of the case, the judge may consider this as a positive factor. can greatly influence the decision on punishment.
3. CZ's criminal record and past behavior: If CZ has no criminal record or has good behavior in the past, this can also be considered as a positive factor that can reduce the sentence.
4. CZ's achievements and contributions in the field of business: If CZ has made significant achievements and contributed positively to the cryptocurrency industry or the community, the judge may consider this and see This is a positive factor that can reduce the penalty.
However, recommending a lighter or final sentence depends on the judge's decision based on the factors and evidence presented in the case.
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