In this market situation, there are no particularly good projects. You can try some low-cost, relatively certain, hair-raising projects, such as Binance's Megadrop event. You can participate in an account by investing 7U. It is estimated that the income of a minimum-guarantee account is around 50~100U. If conditions permit, you can have multiple accounts.

Practical steps:

The first step is to download the Binance APP (Apple phones can use the Japanese Apple ID, and Android phones can directly download the file on the computer and pull the file over via a data cable to install it), and register an account with real-name authentication.

Step 2: Click on the funds in the lower right corner of the APP, and then click on the Web3 wallet above to register one. If you can't see the Web3 wallet, the APP needs to be updated.

Step 3: You can transfer 0.015BNB from the exchange to the web3 wallet. Remember to select Binance Chain, then click Exchange at the bottom of the wallet to exchange 0.012BNB for 0.00011BTCB.

Step 4: Find the Megadrop entrance on the homepage in the wallet banner and click on it directly.

Step 5: There are two tasks. The first one is to lock BNB. If the exchange has long-term idle BNB, you can click in to stake it. You can stake it for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 120 days. The more you stake and the longer the time, the higher the points you will get. The points can be exchanged for future tokens. Small investors can skip this step.

Step 6: In the Web3 task, click BounceBit pledge, stake 0.0001BTC, and finally click verify, and you can get the minimum 1,000 points, which is the minimum security number.

Summary: This project has low cost and the profit from a single number should be good. The important thing is how to have multiple numbers. You need to register with Binance with your real name to open a web3 wallet. At this time, you can use more of your own resources.