Earn Wednesday: New Limited-Time Offers Available Now! (2023-07-05)
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Fellow Binancians,
Binance Earn presents to you new offers that will launch each Wednesday. Stay tuned for Earn Wednesday to get rewards across Simple Earn, DeFi Staking, Liquid Swap, Dual Investment and more.
[Limited-Time Offers]
ProductTokenDurationAPRMin. Limit per UserMax. Limit per User Flexible ProductsPENDLEFlexibleReal-Time APR(approx. 11.17%)0.01 PENDLEUnlimitedBCHFlexibleReal-Time APR(approx. 4.95%)0.01 BCHUnlimitedAXSFlexibleReal-Time APR(approx. 11.28%)0.01 AXSUnlimitedAPEFlexibleReal-Time APR(approx. 6.18%)0.1 APEUnlimitedLocked ProductsADA30 Days3%1 ADA800,000 ADADOT30 Days8.4%0.1 DOT160,000 DOTSOL30 Days4.9%0.01 SOL30,000 SOLMATIC30 Days3.4%1 MATIC4,000,000 MATICLiquidity FarmingWBETH/ETHFlexible3.59%*0.035 WBETHUnlimitedETH/BETHFlexible3.57%*0.035 ETHUnlimitedBTC/WBTCFlexible1.76%*0.015 BTCUnlimitedTUSD/USDTFlexible2.42%*1 TUSDUnlimitedUSDC/USDTFlexible2.39%*1 USDCUnlimitedBUSD/USDTFlexible2.07%*1 BUSDUnlimited
Rules for the Limited-Time Offers
The offers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.Once subscribed, users can view their assets by going to Wallets > Earn.Users can choose to redeem their assets in advance in Simple Earn Locked Products. After choosing early redemption, the principal will be returned to the spot account, and the distributed interest will be deducted from the refunded principal. Due to differing global time zones, it may take 48-72 hours to receive the tokens.The APRs* of each liquidity pool is an estimate based on the rate on 2023-07-05 at 00:00 (UTC). As APR on Liquidity Farming is dynamic, and may fluctuate at periods of market volatility and increased trading activities, it is subject to the page display on the day. Please refer here for the latest APR. Liquidity Farming is a non-principal guaranteed product, and impermanent loss may occur. Please read about impermanent loss here: Impermanent Loss Explained. Users can calculate their potential impermanent loss here.
[Check Out Other Trending Earn Updates & Offers]
Dual Investment
To celebrate the launch of Cross Crypto Pairs on Dual Investment, Binance Earn has launched two new promotions for all Dual Investment users. Eligible participants will stand a chance to share a total rewards pool of up to 36,000 USDT in token vouchers. [View more]New Target Prices and Settlement Dates available for Dual Investment. Users can use the Dual Investment Beginner Mode on the web to get a step-by-step guide through the subscription process for Dual Investment products. [View more]
Binance has updated Auto-Invest with a new and improved look, smoother purchase flow, and a better way to manage your plans. Check out the features that the new and improved Auto-Invest has to offer. [View more]As part of Binance Earn Week, Binance has introduced the latest Auto-Invest Index-Linked Giveaway, where users can seamlessly purchase the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization on CoinMarketCap (CMC) via Auto-Invest and share 5,000 USDT in token vouchers. [View more]MAV, PENDLE, WBETH, COMBO and IQ are now supported for Auto-Invest plans. [View more]Eligible users can participate in the ongoing Auto-Invest COS promotions by completing a quiz on COS to each receive a free Auto-Invest COS monthly plan for five months on a first-come, first served basis. On top of that, all eligible users can get up to 10 USDT in token vouchers when they subscribe to Auto-Invest during the Promotion Period. [View more]
ETH Staking
As part of Binance Earn Week, Binance ETH Staking has launched two promotions, where eligible users can get up to $55 in BETH token voucher while earning ETH Staking rewards daily. [View more]
Range Bound
New Price Ranges and Settlement Dates available for Range Bound. Users may complete subscriptions to Range Bound products now to potentially earn higher rewards in times of low market volatility. [View more]
Note: Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.
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Binance Team