Thread #7

Price Performance:

  • The current price of #5IRE is $0.09673, with a 2.45% increase in the last 24 hours. It fluctuated between $0.09366 and $0.09957.

  • Despite short-term fluctuations, 5IRE has maintained stability, indicating investor confidence in the project's fundamentals.

Market Cap and Supply:

  • 5IRE's market capitalization is approximately $42,823,804, ranking it 660th among cryptocurrencies. The fully diluted market cap is $145,101,059.

  • With a circulating supply of 442,696,327 tokens and no additional tokens to be minted, 5IRE demonstrates controlled supply dynamics.

Volume and Liquidity:

  • The 24-hour trading volume for 5IRE is $1,272,765, representing a 8.37% increase. The volume to market cap ratio is 2.95%, indicating moderate liquidity.

Price History and Popularity:

  • 5IRE's all-time high and low occurred on December 05, 2023, at $0.508 and $0.06, respectively.

  • It is currently in 466,793 watchlists on #CoinMarketCap , reflecting significant investor interest.

Future Outlook:

  • Despite short-term price fluctuations, 5IRE's solid fundamentals and growing ecosystem position it for potential long-term growth.

  • Positive developments, community engagement, and regulatory compliance will play key roles in shaping 5IRE's future trajectory.

  • Investors should conduct thorough research and consider the project's potential before making investment decisions.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. All opinions expressed are based on personal research and interest.