When it returns to around 7.2, you should be ready to go long. The exchange rate is for short-term contract users. However, the article at that time could not be explained in detail. When mentioning the point, many platforms will naturally think that we are promoting the currency circle, so everyone should be careful to look at the inner meaning. In the form of shouting short, Lao Cui has been reminding everyone at the position of 73,000 that the exchange rate has not been lowered for a long time, and the market is likely to pull back. As a result, it has become a reminder in the eyes of other currency friends, and I have not paid too much attention to it.

Everyone can really pay more attention to the exchange rate. It fell below the 60,000 mark, which is also the new high position of USDT at around 7.45. Putting aside the platform factors, many currency friends have bought USDT starting with 7.5. At present, the market has returned to around 7.3 and has risen again to the 65,000 mark. The short-term exchange rate will determine the short-term trend of the currency circle, which is the biggest reference information for contract users. The same principle of reverse deduction, as long as the price of USDT continues to fall, + author shi9527111, then it is good news for the growth of the currency circle. Especially under the current trend, USDT has dropped from 7.4 to around 7.3. With the short-term listing process in Hong Kong, there is a high possibility of a new wave of growth. Lao Cui will give this language to everyone for the time being. After the May Day holiday, we will verify it together.

Since the trend in the later period has been discussed, I believe that most users can understand the trend that Lao Cui talked about and will even start to test it now. For some users, there will be short-term doubts again, and they always feel that Lao Cui did not give everyone reference information. This is already the maximum range that the platform can bear. Clear contract users should know the subsequent trend, so I won’t emphasize it too much. For spot users, it is currently in a downward state, and the entry point is basically the same as the initial point. Most of them are in a state of capital preservation or loss. In the current wide range of shocks, everyone can appropriately reduce their positions to do a wave. Most users choose to enter the market before listing, and some of the entry points are also near the 6W mark. Bitcoin's spot profit is currently at least 5,000 points, and the exit time will not make everyone wait too long. As long as it is successfully listed at more than 7W, it is still very simple. The key point to observe is that USDT is already falling, and you can make a profit if you are patient!