Step 1! Buy 0.02 BNB and transfer it to web3 wallet. Note that it is BEP20 network

Then open web3

turn up

You need btcb here. Just exchange 0.02bnb for 0.0001 BTCB, and choose BEP20 network!

The exchange is done. Continue to the next step

Click Start Now to pledge the 0.0001BTCB just now

Link web3 wallet and start staking

Pledge it. Pledge it. Click approve. Click it hard. Don't hesitate, click max.

After the pledge is completed. Don't panic. There is one more step. Click on the verification. Click on M


There is one more task! It is to transfer the remaining coins of your 0.02bnb back to the Binance spot account.

Then find BNB staking. Stake 0.01bnb. Select the longest time of 120 days, then click it hard, and the pledge is successful.

You can arrange the remaining BNB by yourself. The total cost is less than 15U!

thank you all

[This completes the task]

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