Why are people around me cutting salaries and laying off employees, but the average salary data is always increasing? Take a look at the following example and you will understand:

If there were originally 10 people in society, one CEO with a monthly salary of 200,000 yuan, two programmers with a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, and seven workers with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, their average monthly salary is 33,500 yuan.

Well, now the economy is bad, three of the seven workers are laid off, and the salary of the remaining four remains unchanged at 5,000 yuan a month. One of the two programmers is laid off, and the salary of the other is reduced to 40,000 yuan. The CEO cannot be gone, which means that the salary is reduced to 160,000 yuan. So what is the average monthly salary of the remaining six people who have jobs? You can calculate it yourself, the answer is:

36,667 yuan.

Did you see it? People in the whole society are either laid off or have their salaries reduced. The best result is to keep their jobs and salaries unchanged, but after all the trouble, the average salary has indeed increased, an increase of 9.4%. There is no fabrication of data in the whole process, and it is calculated completely according to the actual situation.

How about it? This is the charm of statistics. #比特币减半 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETH #BNB #Binance