Following the Starknet airdrop numbers, this article simulates the distribution of the top 500,000 addresses on zkSync.

Written by TrustaLabs

Compiled by: Frank, Foresight News

As of now, there are more than 6 million active addresses on zkSync (even if we only consider the addresses that actively interact on the zkSync Era). ZK-based L2 star projects such as Starknet have implemented token airdrop plans and rewarded about 500,000 independent users. So how will zkSync deal with the airdrop issue?

Simulating Starknet token distribution

In addition to requiring a minimum balance of 0.005 ETH, the Starknet Foundation’s token distribution rules also include the following conditions:

  • Active in at least 3 different months;

  • Complete at least 6 interactions;

  • The total transaction amount is not less than US$100;

We used these three rules to simulate two airdrop scenarios based on different parameters for the active addresses of zkSync Era.

Plan A: Screen out 2.78 million eligible addresses:

  • Active in at least 4 different months;

  • Complete at least 10 interactions;

  • The total transaction amount is not less than US$100;

Plan B: Screen out 2.05 million eligible addresses:

  • Active in at least 4 different months;

  • Complete at least 30 interactions;

  • The total transaction amount is not less than US$500;

Ranking 500,000 addresses

We plan to follow the example of the Starknet Foundation (rewarding 500,000 unique user addresses, excluding developers, etc.), so based on a combination of scoring dimensions such as assets, participation, diversity, identity, and usage time of on-chain addresses, we found the address 0xe175681e0690f252b09bcb0ae92de7428232b975 ranked 500,006.

Performance of the 500,006th address

This address actually performs very well, and we have listed some of the most prominent dimensions below:

MEDIA-based interactive behavior analysis

Of all the addresses, about 2.9 million (46%) exceeded the passing score (60 points). Foresight News noted that the MEDIA score is proportional to the ratio of its "usage time" (that is, the number of days since the first use of zkSync Era), which means that the longer the user uses it, the higher their MEDIA score.

Cross-chain amount distribution

The number of addresses on the Ethereum mainnet that have completed cross-chain transactions through the official cross-chain bridge is 2,265,883. We calculated the cross-chain amount distribution of these addresses based on the value of mainstream tokens.

Distribution of fund interaction amount

The total number of zkSync Era interactive addresses is 5,831,239. We calculated the distribution of the interaction amounts of these addresses based on the value of mainstream tokens.

It can be seen that only a small number of addresses have interaction amounts below $100.

Active Month Statistics

zkSync Era has 6,192,010 active interaction addresses, and based on its active months, we found that 52% of users have been interacting with zkSync for more than 3 months.

Main active month range

According to statistics, we found that nearly 4 million accounts had more than 10 transactions. After classifying the active months of these accounts, we found that the active months of most accounts were concentrated between 3 and 10 months.


Number of interactive contracts

Currently, a total of 4,969,711 addresses have interacted with contracts on zkSync Era, and most of them have interacted with more than 5 contracts.

MEDIA ratings by zkSync Lite users

The number of addresses with interaction records on zkSync Lite is 1,864,953, and the MEDIA scores of these addresses are also proportional to the ratio of their “Lite usage time” (that is, the number of days since the first use of zkSync Lite).

Paymaster Analysis

Paymaster is a unique benefit of zkSync Era that allows users to pay gas fees with non-ETH, which is more convenient for many users.

According to statistics, 765,898 addresses on zkSync Era have used the Paymaster function. The vast majority of these addresses have a MEDIA score above 50, and a fairly high proportion of them have a score above 80.

zkSync Unique NFT Analysis

The LIBERTAS OMNIBUS COLLECTION series NFT airdrop was once sought after by the community. Currently, the number of addresses holding LIBERTAS OMNIBUS COLLECTION is 124,112. The chart compares the distribution of MEDIA scores of holders and non-holders.