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Less than 24 hours after going online, the transaction volume of Rune Dog DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON exceeded 200 BTC, with a real unwashed volume of 13 million US dollars, which is much more than the 24-hour transaction volume of all other runes combined. The current market value is 350 million, and the number of holders is 73,500+. As a new coin, this data is quite awesome in any ecosystem.#Runesmay not be successful, but#Runestoneis successful. The 5 characters of BRC20 are better than domain names. There are many good names, and there is no need to pay annual fees. After mint, it will belong to you forever, and you can buy and sell. And the Bitcoin chain is currently the most secure and reliable decentralized blockchain system in the world. The 5-letter BRC20 will pull up the third wave of inscription market. Focus on the five-character BRC20 banco, plata, CBDCS, and BRUNE. Banco is the leading coin in the BRC20 banking industry. CBDCS is the leading coin in the central bank digital currency concept. BRUNE is the leading coin of Bitcoin Rune Concept ARKB, ETCS, and EZBC of four-character BRC20 are also popular. ARKB is the leading coin of ETF concept. Talk about the runes of Bitcoin's new track The English word for authorization, AUTHORIZATION, is just 13 characters There is also the international version of Taobao that is riding on Alibaba's popularity, ALIEXPRESS•COM There is a good IP consensus. I am very optimistic about these two Runes. #Megadrop #token2049 #ETH #BTC #BNB $BTC $BNB $SOL

Less than 24 hours after going online, the transaction volume of Rune Dog DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON exceeded 200 BTC, with a real unwashed volume of 13 million US dollars, which is much more than the 24-hour transaction volume of all other runes combined.

The current market value is 350 million, and the number of holders is 73,500+.

As a new coin, this data is quite awesome in any ecosystem.#Runesmay not be successful, but#Runestoneis successful.

The 5 characters of BRC20 are better than domain names. There are many good names, and there is no need to pay annual fees. After mint, it will belong to you forever, and you can buy and sell. And the Bitcoin chain is currently the most secure and reliable decentralized blockchain system in the world. The 5-letter BRC20 will pull up the third wave of inscription market.

Focus on the five-character BRC20 banco, plata, CBDCS, and BRUNE.

Banco is the leading coin in the BRC20 banking industry.

CBDCS is the leading coin in the central bank digital currency concept.

BRUNE is the leading coin of Bitcoin Rune Concept

ARKB, ETCS, and EZBC of four-character BRC20 are also popular. ARKB is the leading coin of ETF concept.

Talk about the runes of Bitcoin's new track

The English word for authorization, AUTHORIZATION, is just 13 characters

There is also the international version of Taobao that is riding on Alibaba's popularity, ALIEXPRESS•COM

There is a good IP consensus.

I am very optimistic about these two Runes.

#Megadrop #token2049 #ETH #BTC #BNB $BTC $BNB $SOL

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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$ORDI 🍕 $PIZZA 的宏观估值机构分析🍕 1、BRC20是过去十多年比特币生态发展的重大创新发展。币安上了 $ordi 、 $sats 等是力证,引起全球加密资产交易者全面参与。目前还没吃到太多红利,会寻找或者自己发行BRC20代币资产。 2、BRC20 赛道市值会占到btc市值的10-30%。当btc达到10万美金,btc总市值2.1万亿美金市值,对应BRC20赛道的总市值是2100亿-6300亿美金市值,甚至更高。 3、所有的BRC20代币都是meme,但是整几十万个BRC20代币中就披萨 $pizza 具有比特币的血统,代表比特币共识的启源,具有唯一性。当年比特币能够定价和共识起来,披萨功劳不可磨灭,并成为整个加密行业最大的梗。每年5月22日,人们都过披萨节来纪念 披萨 $pizza 对比特币的贡献。这也是唯一能全球共识的,不存在东边玩东边,西方玩西边的情况。 4、披萨 $pizza 发行在人类最安全的btc公链上,永远绑定btc。披萨 $pizza 极具纪念价值收藏价值,将成为收藏品、纪念品,是价值币。数量稀有仅2100万枚。在币圈除了比特币之外找不到像pizza-brc20这样一个极致的标的,会让全球人们去了解共识 披萨 $pizza 的品牌价值,成为比特币底层公链上的明星资产,真正把比特币从单一资产变成资产集合。这具有长远的意义。 5、整个BRC20的代币可以分为 四个层次:(1)披萨 $pizza 为代表的比特币原生词代币,还包括 $sats 。(2)功能型代币,包括 $ordi 技术上的第一。有一定的价值空间,但是受到自身应用范围限制,有价值瓶颈。 (3)社区代币等。(4)其他代币。 6、预计披萨 $pizza 的市值将占据整个BRC20赛道市值的10%,合理的价值210亿—630亿美金,对应每一个 $piza是1000—3000美金。 7、甚至有人提出,btc是数字黄金, $pizza 是数字现金。 #bnb历史新高 #MegadropLista #BTC走势分析 #pizza #PizzaDay $BTC $ETH

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