#区块链快讯# Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently revealed that technology blogger Pavel Fedorov earned more than $80,000 in TON tokens by selling his username @pavel on the Fragment auction platform. This username was obtained by Fedorov for free 9 years ago. It was auctioned a week ago and was eventually won by @founder, a cryptocurrency entrepreneur who owns multiple Telegram accounts such as @crypto, and then given to Durov. Durov said this shows how Telegram users benefit from direct ownership of their usernames. It is reported that $350 million worth of Telegram usernames and anonymous numbers have been sold in the past 18 months. The latest version of Telegram supports viewing the sale time and price of usernames. Durov also revealed that he had purchased the username @paul on Fragment for 10,000 TON. Do you think this username trading will become a new investment trend? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!