The Bitcoin halving has been completed.
It should be clear that the halving will not immediately rise or fall sharply.
Basically all the altcoins have bottomed out.
wif, jup, bome, sol, ena... If the point is right, you can consider entering the market in batches.
The bull market is here, you must have bullets, if you don't have bullets, it's better to uninstall and not play. It's time to make money, you have no bullets? Then what are you playing?
If you want to make money with a small position, then do rolling positions.
Only when the position is up can you have the capital to fight, after all, getting rich quickly is not something you can get rich by talking about.
It's not that you can get rich overnight, you have to have capital, you have to be prepared, if you don't have capital, you have no preparation, then find a way to make your position bigger.
I believe that everyone who comes to the currency circle is not here to play around, the purpose is very clear, to make money, get rich, and turn over, right?
Since you have entered the circle, you have to distinguish between reality and fantasy. If the position has not moved, it will not change. It is just a waste of energy to wait and see. Be bolder.
If you are afraid of being trapped, enter in batches. If you don't know how to learn, the bull market time is getting shorter and shorter, should your position also be reduced day by day?
Six years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle, any questions can be consulted for free, friends who want to join Junyang click on the avatar to discuss #Megadrop #比特币减半 #token2049 #大盘走势 #Meme