What to do when you have lost all your money in crypto
If you wish to recover without putting your own personal funds
Now come closer let me educate you
Giving up isn't an option
The day you give up on crypto is actually
The day you lost in the actual sense.
Now let me give you a step-by-step guide
On what to do when you have Lost
No 1... Go on airdrop hunting there are still genuine platforms that give you a guide on how to get some airdrop no matter how little it is
No2. After getting those airdrops convert them to usdt then come on board now this time around divide whatever you must have gotten no matter how little and trade with it on futures
No3..trade half of what you have gotten with futures trade using a small size and flexible leverage
Many of you don't know that I am an expert future trader, I'll resume soon giving updates on future analyses am just waiting for the market to be stable a little
No4... Take profit actively from your trades on futures and use it to buy good coins only on spot trade this time around
Don't be too greedy and don't be too engulf with the futures trade
Remember it's a recovery plan