Binance Square
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arb has stocks, come and see the ideas! arb Support 0.88/0.97/1.045/1.11 These are several key points below Pressure 1.35/1.5 1.5-1.6 is the heavy pressure area You can hold on to 1.11, the other points below are short-term key support levels, you have to hold on, otherwise you'll be in trouble! This currency is currently short or trapped, the points can be referenced! (The market is too heavy, there is no interest rate cut by the United States, and it is not the time to flood with excess money with empty concepts) $ARB

arb has stocks, come and see the ideas!


Support 0.88/0.97/1.045/1.11

These are several key points below

Pressure 1.35/1.5

1.5-1.6 is the heavy pressure area

You can hold on to 1.11, the other points below are short-term key support levels, you have to hold on, otherwise you'll be in trouble!

This currency is currently short or trapped, the points can be referenced!

(The market is too heavy, there is no interest rate cut by the United States, and it is not the time to flood with excess money with empty concepts)


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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周末简单唠下,这波主力要送端午大粽子了!你准备好领取了吗? 随着7号晚一根大阴K转向以来,市场下跌大吗? 这个问题其实的看你的布局成本在哪里?如果是31/1号大饼回踩67300左右进的场,那么此刻对你来说只是利润的浮亏,本金丝毫没有影响! 如果本波你是四五号冲起来才追得高,那你铁定是要亏的! 所以布局周期很重要,如果在一波周期初期可以适当布局,那么吃个鱼身问题是不大的,如果市场起来了再去追,一着不慎满盘皆输,皆是被套! 话说明天就是端午节了,赛龙舟、吃粽子、喝雄黄酒、挂艾草等等节日活动! 有没有计划赚点零花钱搞一搞节日氛围呢? 当然,不是我们想赚就可以赚的,而是有行情我们才可以赚到! 行情到底如何?骚哥来个短线上的解析,看看有没有机会撸几个粽子钱吃一下! BTC昨晚不涨,那就是老美已经吃饱,就这价位,我也懒得拉,想赚钱欧亚你们自己想办法,久恒不踩则必定有二踩,所以急是没用的! 二踩的区间依然放在68500-68900之间,极限测试在68300上下,68000是最后的倔强,不能破,否则下周行情休矣,撸粽子思路休矣! 山寨如果要关注就关注此前说得那种逆势币,比如FTT/FIL等! FIL 此刻脱离了5.13-5.96的宽幅震荡区间,5.9-6可以关注短线博弈机会,破5.9则不博弈! FTT 回踩关注1.3/1.44的短线机会,分批切记,此币瘦死的骆驼比马大,隔一段时间就会有一波暴力拉升,中线小仓位易出超额利润! $FIL $FTT $BTC

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