$BNB #Whatis the impact of Bitcoin's plunge on investor#Ifaltcoins do not explode in this bull market, retail investors' confidence in blockchain may collapse. Without retail investors' interest, blockchain investment will be greatly affected, and bankers will not be able to continue to profit from the market. A bull market without altcoins boom is not a real bull market at all. Considering that most retail investors do not hold Bitcoin, the altcoin boom will come sooner or later, but the time is difficult to determine. The market often explodes when everyone loses patience. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone clear all leveraged positions, keep spot holdings, and wait patiently for that sudden wave of enthusiasm. In this way, when the market finally becomes active, you can really seize the opportunity.

Catch it and you will get rich K A I J U

"Monster No. 8" K A I J U-This is the first animation to be broadcast live on X (Twitter) globally. Dog Dad has announced that K A I J U, the eponymous token of the Ethereum chain, will protect your assets. The leading anime meme coin is worth considering. The current market value is about 4 million, and the pool is locked for 100 years, 10 times is the starting point.