⚡️The AMA session with NotCoin CEO Sasha has ended, here are the main answers to the questions asked:
1. Will there be bonuses for burning?
- There were already bonuses
Will there be bonuses for those who bought vouchers at an overprice - the price reached 65-85 Ton, during the bug (the wording of the author of the question)
- Bugs don’t know how to make a high price. The team wants to take care of those who bought more expensive, there is a list of wallets, there will be a distribution of bonus coins. After listing (minting of tokens) there will be a newsletter.
2. Is it possible to callabah between ANON
- Sasha’s participation was limited to the purchase of a token for $500)
Will there be a collaboration between ANON and NOT tokens?
- No.
3. White rabbit in the application. What's the hidden meaning?
- Just a little rhyme and a reference to Alice in Wonderland.
4. What are the future applications for NOT?
NOT will change from a tapal to a new story. Various kinds of social, veral games of partners inside NOT. Referrals and all achievements in the game will NOT be transferred to the new one.
Every month new games based on NOT will be released, projects will constantly change. NOT history will be repeated in different launches. LOST DOGS - friends of NOT (the slide was at a conference in Hong Kong).
5. Will there be further mysteries in NOT?
- I don’t know, riddles are a meta-quest on the same plane as a clicker that helps developers solve some issues, if you discuss the riddles in advance - these are not riddles.
6. NOT a cultural phenomenon.
7. Squads will become separate branches of NOT, if everything works out for the developers. One of the most important goals is to tell something together.
8. Will there be a limitation on the mark after listing?
- There will be a restriction, which is not yet known exactly. Unbranded tokens will be burned.
9. Will the expected vouchers be issued?
- Each order has a status, all orders in stuck statuses were sent manually. The verification process is currently underway.
10. Question about erroneous blocking of honest users (-99% balance)
- We have our own well-established algorithm for identifying a failure in the crypt. The team made a rollback, the rollback did not go quite right. Now there is a manual check. Any mechanism can fail. The team has certain criteria for determining a person - purchasing skins, completing tasks, launching boosts, purchasing premium Telegram. The script worked 95% correctly. One of these days a decision will be made. Manually the team is working on it. Funds have been allocated to send tokens to such users.
11. Are there rumors about creating your own blockchain?
- No, we are not creating our own blockchain.
12. Why were contributors given so much?
- Probably a question of purpose, I look at it like this:
Notcoin is a huge machine, and for it to function it needs a large number of people to maintain it in order for it to move. It seems to me that it is strategically advantageous to make the car move, and I make decisions based on this point of view.
The second point is that there is a visible and invisible part of the work. Some of the contributors did a significant part of the work (created bots, did testing, training).
There are about 50 contributors in total, and the rewards that were allocated to them amount to about 0.25% of the total issue.
13. You said that the possible listing date is April 20, is this the exact date?
- It also depends on the exchanges, it seems to me that April 20 is not the best time for listing, perhaps it will be later, but within a week everything will become clearer.
14. Tell me about the trade bot, will it be released along with the listing?
- Most likely it will be released even earlier, so that users can familiarize themselves with it and start using it.
15. Donations to Pavel Durov have already been returned.
16. Is it possible to pick up telegram premium for the NOT token?
- If wallet allows it, then of course yes.
17. Have you slept well in the last 3 months?
- Not really. In terms of peace - yes, the mood is wonderful, I love people, I love life!
18. Recently, NFT ANON was added to the TON ecosystem, do you have anything to do with this?
- no, I have nothing to do with this.