$BTC $ETH This article may be restricted!
Wake up, leeks! If you are lucky enough to see this article, I hope you can wake up!
When you go long, it will fall, and when you go short, it will rise! Isn't this obvious? The exchange is a complete scam software! When you exchange real money and silver for USDT, it is like exchanging chips in a casino! Can the casino let you take the chips and leave with money? The closing price shown by the exchange to the leeks only occupies 1kb in the database... When he explodes your closing price, he immediately pulls the number back...
The leeks will not consider whether there is any black box operation in it, but only think that their positions are not managed well! The leeks have never thought about why the prices on different exchanges are similar. Do they share the same database?
In summary, the exchange can use algorithms to control the results they want... The data on the exchange is not as tamper-proof as on the BTC blockchain network... The contract is the sharpest sickle to cut the leeks! Stay away from contracts and cherish your life!