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Following the release of worse-than-expected US inflation data, the DXY index rose sharply, putting pressure on risk assets. The probability of a cut in the Fed's key rate at the next meeting is 2.4%, but Fed Chairman Jerome Powell emphasized that before any rate cut, it is necessary to make sure that inflation stabilizes and reaches 2%. In such a negative market context, corrective moves are possible, although a massive sell-off is unlikely as US gasoline prices rise and tensions in the Middle East are already factored into the market. #economy #data #news #frs

Following the release of worse-than-expected US inflation data, the DXY index rose sharply, putting pressure on risk assets. The probability of a cut in the Fed's key rate at the next meeting is 2.4%, but Fed Chairman Jerome Powell emphasized that before any rate cut, it is necessary to make sure that inflation stabilizes and reaches 2%. In such a negative market context, corrective moves are possible, although a massive sell-off is unlikely as US gasoline prices rise and tensions in the Middle East are already factored into the market.

#economy #data #news #frs

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