A crouching tiger hidden dragon, everyone is waiting for the publication of data about the inflation of the USA
Consumer Price Index (MoM) Forecast 0.3% Today 14:30
The typical/expected impact on USD pairs is high.
The consensus forecast for Consumer Price Index (MoM) is 0.3%. A higher value than forecast tends to be bullish for USD/xxx pairs and bearish for xxx/USD pairs.
The US Federal Reserve has a dual mandate of maintaining price stability and maximum employment. According to such mandate, inflation should be at around 2% YoY and has become the weakest pillar of the central bank’s directive ever since the world suffered a pandemic, which extends to these days. Price pressures keep rising amid supply-chain issues and bottlenecks, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) hanging at multi-decade highs. The Fed has already taken measures to tame inflation and is expected to maintain an aggressive stance in the foreseeable future.