The lowest currency is $ASR Market Cap now, and it is estimated at 7 million dollars, and the trading volume now is 26 million dollars, and it is one of the rare currencies whose trading volume is higher than the market cap.
This is because the small number of tradable coins is 1.8 million
The low price compared to the information stimulating the rise, which is:
1- The Saudi Investment Fund will buy the Italian Club Roma
2- Coin #ASR is an official currency of the Italian Club of Roma and is referred to on the Italian Roma website.
3- The number of the currency is very small, 1.8 million, which is tradable, which stimulates a massive rise at any moment.
4- The currency #ASR is not found in (futures contracts), which gives security against collapses in selling, and the catalyst for the rise is buying in the spot and not selling.
5- The market cap is currently very low, estimated at 7 million dollars, and compared to other currencies, the market cap amounts to billions of dollars.
In the future, if the market cap reaches $378 million, the currency price will be $200
If the market cap reaches $756 million, the currency price will then be $400
If the market cap reaches $1.89 billion, the currency price will then be $1,000
The price of the currency is expected to reach $4,200 with a market cap of $7 billion
The secret of getting rich is seizing opportunities, then buying, then being patient and not paying attention to the daily, weekly and monthly ups and downs.