They say there is no profit, just as there is profit there is loss
You must always know that you are not the luckiest of people or you are not the most miserable and amusing people. Many businessmen who seemed poor. You can change your life and start your journey in order to learn how to make money and not in order to know how to be rich. Richness comes after effort, fatigue, and Thinking about making money. If you think about how to make money, you will become rich and you will have huge capital. Just think about any way. Come, I will give you ways.
Creating content on YouTube that brings in money
Marketing, my dear, makes money
Solving problems brings money
Services also bring in money
Your job brings money
The important thing is to know how to use it too. the money
If your thinking is about how to bring in money and buy things you want, maybe a cup of coffee a day, let us calculate it
If you buy, for example, a cup of coffee every day for 1$ , in a month it will be 30$ , in a year it will be 360$ . Why don't you buy a coffee machine and the coffee you have can be a quarter of a kilo according to your needs and see how much you will pay maybe 160 dollars for the machine and coffee and you will still have 200$ in savings and next year it will be worth it. K300 & their provider But I spent 60$ for coffee. You are not doing this and amassing good capital. Why are you only thinking about dreaming? Rather, getting rich. Change your thinking about how to make money.