As we've mentioned before, every subscriber in our community isn"t just a viewer. Each of you has the power to choose the direction of our community's growth 📝

It's no secret to anyone that I've been working on providing solid education to my audience for quite some time already. I'd like to make a small remark ⤵️

What sets apart an info-hustler from a real trader? Oh, my friends, the answer is right in front of you...This is equity

My trading deposit ($2m+) allows me not only to actively trade but also to pay proper attention (and actively promote) one of the largest traders' communities without placing any ads within the channel 📩

I could launch a paid course and I'm sure the demand would be insane, but why bother? 100-200k won't make a dent for me, but the knowledge I want to pass on to you will probably help someone achieve a certain success in trading 💸

I've long passed the stage when I thought money was important. Now for me human relationships and honest feedback from my audience, my readers are way more important. That's why I run this blog 🎙

I'll attach a poll below. Vote for the topic that would interest you and very soon I promise, I'll release a detailed story/lesson breaking down all aspects of a particular question 🎁$BTC