I'm not expert at all in crypto but today I noticed something and was thinking if it I'll work...
I analyzed the possibilities today of $ENA , and thought if I'll sell ENA when 1.15 and buy again when less than 1.1, Everytime I do this I'll get some profit, I could do this +10 times today...
So when it goes 1.15 I'll sell (I might wait if I saw rapid increament for more profit), and the good thing is everytime the capital will increase. It will be:
1,269$ first captial
Then 1,400
Then 1,602
Then 1,952
And so on
Average using from 1.04 to 1.15 by using 1,269$ as capital.
I didn't calculate with 1.2$ even tho I can sell when it reach it or higher, and didn't calculate with less than 1$ even tho sometimes it go bellow it, I tried to use average possibilities.