Binance Unveils 51st Launchpool Project Saga (SAGA)

Binance Launches Saga (SAGA) on Launchpool

The launch of Saga (SAGA) will be the 51st project to be hosted on Binance Launchpool and demonstrates the platform's commitment to driving innovation in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Users can expect Saga (SAGA) trading to begin at 17:00 on April 9, 2024, with Binance being the first platform to list the token.

Excited about the addition of Saga (SAGA), Binance announced that users will be able to stake BNB and FDUSD tokens in separate pools to farm SAGA tokens over a four-day period.

The farming initiative is scheduled to begin at 03:00 on April 5, 2024, offering participants the opportunity to earn rewards through token staking.

Following listing, Saga (SAGA) will be available for trading with a variety of trading pairs, including SAGA/BTC, SAGA/USDT, SAGA/BNB, SAGA/FDUSD and SAGA/TRY. The Seed Tag will be applied to Saga (SAGA) upon listing, marking its entry into the Binance platform.

Here are the key details about the Saga (SAGA) Launchpool initiative:

Token Name: Saga (SAGA)

Maximum Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 SAGA

Launchpool Token Rewards: 45,000,000 SAGA (4.5% of maximum token supply)

Initial Circulating Supply: 90,000,000 SAGA (9% of maximum token supply)

Smart Contract Details: Saga Security Chain

Staking Conditions: KYC required

Fixed Upper Limit per User Hour:

37,500 SAGA in BNB pool

SAGA in pool of 9,375 FDUSD

Supported Repositories:

Stake BNB: 36,000,000 SAGA (80%) as reward

FDUSD Share: 9,000,000 SAGA (20%) as reward

Farming Period: 5 April 2024, 03:00 – 8 April 2024, 03:59

During the farming period, snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times every hour to calculate user rewards.

Hourly average balances will be used to determine rewards and updates will be provided hourly.

*This is not investment advice. #SAGALAUNCHPOOL #SAGA #NEWS $BTC $ETH $BNB