$ENA Of course, let's share some lighthearted jokes to make you feel better.
### Joke 1: Programmer's Humor
One day, a programmer's wife asked him to go to the grocery store to buy something. She said, "Go buy a bottle of milk, and if you have eggs, buy six." The programmer came back with six bottles of milk in his hand. The wife asked, "Why did you buy so much milk?" He replied, "Because they have eggs."
### Joke 2: Mathematician's Confusion
A mathematician was lost in the desert, and suddenly he saw a man riding a camel in front of him. He ran over excitedly and asked, "Excuse me, how far is it from here to the nearest exit?" The camel rider thought for a while and replied, "About three π kilometers." The mathematician looked confused: "But π is an irrational number, it is not an exact number!"
### Joke 3: Physicist's "cold" humor
Why don't physicists need refrigerators? Because they know that if they put a kettle in the freezer, time will stop!
I hope these jokes can make you feel better. If you want to hear more jokes or have other questions that need help, feel free to let me know!