🚀Tokyo, the city of blockchain innovation, is hosting the first-ever XRPL DeFi hackathon on Nov 26, 2023! Emi Yoshikawa, Ripple's VP of Strategic Initiatives, is calling all XRPL devs to show off their dApp & smart contract skills. 🧠
💡Focus areas: enhancing XRP Ledger transactions, building decentralized exchanges, & pioneering tokenization solutions. Projects using Hooks amendment & cross-chain bridges are highly encouraged.🌉
🤝Supported by Ginco, Crossmark, XRPL Labs & Ripple, the hackathon offers a $10,000 prize pool, plus $1,500 for projects using Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) sidechain.🏆
🌟Demo day on Dec 12, 2023, is more than just presentations - it's a melting pot of ideas, strategies, & potential collaborations for the XRPL community. With 40% of XRPL validators supporting the XRPL AMM amendment, the XRP Ledger is becoming a DeFi powerhouse!💥
🎉Join the fun & share your thoughts on the hackathon & XRPL's DeFi potential in the comments below! Let's celebrate the exciting future of blockchain!🥳