I'm a newbie, I analyzed coins for months, they only went up in price, and when I actually invested, I'm making an insignificant loss.

I'm trying to calm my heart, because I didn't invest in one, but in several, and all of them are falling drastically. Just on the day I bought it, all the coins decided to collapse in an absurd way. But whoever sells loses? I really question this, I decided to buy expecting a drop, but it is falling too much. I'm regretting it. But I know it wasn't something safe, I'm going to keep it, even if it's for years, until some of them recover if possible. Bitcoin the source of all currencies. If he falls, everyone else will go together.

I found out that a "Halving" is going to happen, I researched it, but so far I don't understand it very well, if anyone can explain it in a summarized way, I would be grateful.

Leave your opinion, if I should wait to go up again, or get my money out before it's too late.