Very important post specially Beginner, please read carefully 🥰
🔶 The post is very big, I hope you will benefit from reading it💠Investing in the crypto market, maybe trading well, learning how to draw charts, how to deposit money in Binance, how to withdraw money, but I think it is very necessary to learn one more thing.💠When transferring any token, you must know which network is best to use. 💠 Always use the erc network when transferring stablecoins from an exchange to your wallet.💠Meta mask wallet which coin to save under which network, how to bridge a token from one network to another network, it is necessary to know. 💠 There is no benefit in just throwing tokens, learn how to stake them under any network and you will benefit. Always try to stake on the original website of the token.💠 Suppose you bought ENJ. Enj has its own wallet from which staking can be done very easily. 💠 Half of the world's tokens can be staked like this. If your amount is good then it is good to stake but know if it takes extra time to unstake. It takes about 20 days to unstat after staking a lot of money. Do not make such tokens. 💠 For example, the zil token allows two instantiations, stake and unstake.💠Buying a coin but now the price has been dumped 50% value has decreased, take it to the wallet and stake it. 💠 Of course, all this depends on your balance. Now you don't have to think about doing this with a $200 balance.💠If you try to know these things and invest, you will do well. Take $200, $300 and you will try all your life and you will have to fill the gap all your life, you will not be able to take out the profit. I think the balance should be between three and five thousand dollars. Then you will get some peace by trading. Don't panic at small lossworld💠But to invest this amount you must know the above things. Until then you can try small amount to learn but you will just learn, not be a professional trader. ➡️Sorry if the above words sound bad. In today's world, despite having so many free resources, if someone can't learn, it's his failure.🟢 Show your reaction, comment and share,if you like this post ❤️