#Cryptocurrency Terminologies Explained
Accumulation/Distribution Indicator :The accumulation/distribution indicator determines the supply and demand level of a stock/asset/cryptocurrency by multiplying the closing price of a specific period with volume.
Acid Test Ratio : An acid test ratio is a tool that gives an understanding of a company's ability to pay off its current liabilities.
Acquisition: An acquisition is buying out another company by purchasing a controlling stake
Acquisition Cost: Acquisition cost is generally the total cost to be paid for a company’s property, equipment or other assets after adjusting for incentives, discounts, closing costs and other necessary expenditures but before the sales taxes.
Acquisition Premium: refers to the price difference between the price paid for a company and its assessed market value.
Active Management: requires a manager, or a team of managers, to actively manage a portfolio.
Activist Investor: is an individual or institution seeking to gain a controlling stake in a company to instigate changes.
Adam Back: Adam Back is a world-renowned British cryptographer, cypherpunk and crypto industry figure from the United Kingdom.
Adaptive State Sharding: Used by Elrond, Adaptive State Sharding is an approach that combines all types of sharding into one to improve communication and performance.
Address: A place where cryptocurrency can be sent to and from, in the form of a string of letters and numbers.
Administrative Expenses: Administrative expenses are costs incurred by an organization that includes, but are not limited to, benefits and salaries for administrative staff, rent and managerial compensation.
Adoption Curve: indicates the pace of adoption of a new technology by people. It may also involve segregation of the target audience to understand the market's willingness.
Advance/Decline Line (A/D Line): is a technical indicator that plots the difference between the advancing and declining issues in the stock market on a daily basis
Source : https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/glossary