$MOB Exciting news! In our biggest giveaway yet, we are giving away a brand new car! Here’s how to participate:
🔍Starting from block 19546780, hold over 1000 USDT without any transfers.
💰Once our market cap reaches 100 million, eligible holders will be entered into a lottery for a chance to win a Mi SU7 or Tesla Model 3!
N.B only inside China will get a Mi SU7, outside of China will get a Tesla Model 3
🔄Our lottery system and algorithm will be open source for fairness, justice and transparency. No bot addresses are allowed.
🐶Thanks to the Puppy community, the cost of this car will be fully paid!
💸Purchases over 1000 USDT will count as 1000 USDT.
Get ready to improve your chances of winning! Stay tuned for more updates.