The British court recently approved a global freezing order against the assets of Craig Wright worth 6 million pounds (approximately 7.6 million U.S. dollars) to protect him from paying the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) court fees totaling 8,471,225 U.S. dollars. 😮This is the latest development after Wright’s claim that he claimed to be the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, was rejected. Let’s take a look at the development of this suspense plot!

COPA was established in 2020 to drive the adoption and advancement of cryptocurrency technology and remove patent barriers to industry growth and innovation. Members include 33 institutions including Coinbase, Block, Meta, MicroStrategy, and Kraken. In April 2021, COPA filed a lawsuit against Wright, challenging the legality of his claim to own Bitcoin copyright.

After the testimony of early Bitcoin developers such as Martti Malmi, the judge concluded on March 14 this year that the evidence overwhelmingly showed that Wright was not Satoshi Nakamoto. Wright registered the copyright of the Bitcoin white paper and its code in the United States in 2019. Currently, the Bitcoin white paper is released under an open source license from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which allows anyone to reuse and modify the code for any purpose. The court injunction will prevent Wright from making further copyright claims against it.

This suspense plot is still going on. Do you think Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto? Come and share your opinions in the comment area!