According to Binance, the most searched coins in the last 6 hours are:
1. (BTC)
2. (WIF)
3. (BOME)
4. (LTC)
5. (DOGE)
The global crypto market cap stands at $2.65 trillion, marking a decrease of 0.44% in the last day. Total crypto market volume over the past 24 hours amounts to $86.23 billion, showing an 11.81% decrease. DeFi volume stands at $7.88 billion, constituting 9.13% of the total crypto market volume. Stable coins contribute $77.28 billion, comprising 89.62% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. Bitcoin's dominance sits at 52.02%, declining by 0.36% over the day. For more content like this, follow me.#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #WIF #SHIB $BTC $WIF $BOME