If you think that you will beat Whales. You are wrong. They will knock you out real quick. Imagine a whale withdrawing $1 Billion from a coin which has a market capitalization of $8 Billion. That coin will lose 12.5% value in a second.
Are you greedy or do you want to earn? Whether it's $30 $50 or $100.
Of course you will want to earn. Don't be greedy. If some coin was $11 a week ago and is sitting at $19. It will go back to $5 again.
If you have achieved the targeted profit in $ICP $FIL or even the $BNB just sell it. Else wait and let it grow.
Because, Whales will be thinking the same. Make sure you sell it a lot earlier than the Whales else you will lose a lot more than making it.
Bitcoin can go back to $50Ks too, why? Because history tells us that if a currency hits ATH, chances are that it will come close to its ATH and after that a major decline will happen.
Do Your Own Research But Don't Be Greedy. I help you make strong and bold decisions. You can give a tip, if you wanna ask anything related to Crypto.
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