Step 1: Enter your BTC address to check the number of $POI tokens that can be claimed.
Query link (you can also get it directly. Considering security, it is recommended to use the code to go to Mint):
Step 2: You can use ID, Unisat, Geniidata and other engraving platforms. Taking ID as an example, the engraving cost is about 4u. According to this format, you only need to modify the quantity! Just copy the modified quantity format.
Mint Format:
{"p":"orc-20","op":"minting-claim","params":{"tick":"poi","tid":"1","amt":"quantity"} }
Mint link:
Step 3: If you need to put it on the market for sale, you need to engrave the transfer format first. The operation is the same as the second step. Just change the quantity yourself as much as you want to sell.
Transfer format:
Step 4: Trading Market