The TON revolution is gaining momentum...

With hundreds of millions of users already using the platform, the recent development of the TON network integrated with the app has gained traction. The 30 million users of the NotCoin project mark the beginning of robust marketing associated with the network. The potential is incredible.

As mentioned by those deeply involved in the development of the network, TON aims to be a decentralized counterpart to WeChat, which is literally used for everything in China. With the increasing market capitalization of the native TON coin and the development of infrastructure on this blockchain, projects are emerging that could be total gems in the upcoming bull market.

The first token worth mentioning is RAFF, a platform token for creating tokens on the TON network, locking LP and tokens, and creating presales for new tokens. The potential is enormous; in just three months, the project's token has increased by over 2000%.

Another interesting project is Memcoin TON FISH, whose developers are in the process of selling their latest meme, which is to be used for the Ton Pet: Tik Ton game. Their Fair Launch is one of the largest ever held on the Ton Raff launchpad. Within a few days, they raised an astonishing 1 million TON worth over 5 million USD!

The cherry on top is the upcoming fair launch of the NotBabyCoin project. Their bot operates on a similar principle to NotCoin, where users earn coins for interactions. Now you can already mine coins using the bot.

After the fair launch, the utility of this bot will be very interesting. The creators will offer a "promote to earn" system. Projects within the TON ecosystem will be able to create promotional campaigns, and the NotBabyCoin community will earn TON for tasks such as tapping on the coin logo or playing with a spinner.

A portion of the profits from the campaigns will be used to buy back NotBabyCoin from the market and burn them!

Links to the projects discussed above:


Ton Raffers

Fish meme coin

Disclaimer: This Article is sponsored by NotBabyCoin. I am not a financial advisor.