Odaily Planet Daily News Kedar, the founder of DEX ZigZag on zkSync, posted on the X platform through the project’s official account that many people have recently accused him of the decentralized betting platform ZKasino team defaulting on payments or committing fraud in some way, as well as multiple former employees. and contractors said they were not paid for their work. Kedar also contacted one of ZKasino’s investors and informed him that the project’s revenue was false. The latter stated that they did not actually participate in the financing, so ZKasino’s financing and valuation were probably also fake. Kedar said the ZKasino team would claim they took money to pay developers to build the ZigZag front end and then use some of the money to build ZKasino. The founder of ZKasino is a fundraiser for ZigZag. ZigZag previously raised $15 million, with the funds going to addresses controlled by the founders of ZKasino. Kedar said he never had control of the money, so it's possible more money was stolen or found its way into ZKasino than he knew. Kedar also said that ZKasino has been asked to return a $1 million investment in the past but was not compensated, so ZZ token holders should now try to get compensation themselves. Additionally, the $40 million ecosystem fund they announced is not real and may never be disbursed in any real currency. According to previous news, Kedar published an article on the X platform through the project's official account, revealing that the team of the decentralized betting platform ZKasino forged most of the income and asked users to be cautious in participating in their ICO activities. That's the main reason ZigZag has made so little progress since its early days, Kedar said. The incompetence and fraud of some team members have caused difficulties for him to run the company, but he will do his best to resume the project and continue operations without these personnel, but specific operating results cannot be guaranteed. It also stated that Zkasino founder (Derivatives Monke) was a team member of ZigZag and was responsible for the loss of most of the funds that the project had in trust on behalf of investors. But at this time, Kedar has no actual evidence that any theft was involved.