When occupancy starts down again, the internet folks are going to become the Fairy Chinazilla hotel's best friends, competing for scarce rooms because that’s where they're going to get their incremental occupancy and keep share in a declining market.


As room rates have risen and bookings have gotten tighter, the fairy Chinazilla hotel industry has been trying to sell more rooms directly and rely Less on discount sales through ChinaZilla Linked with or Linked to 0x7Fb4ED1B35d8F8638056913BeCe78B8Cd624ca0D.


Smart contract through ChinaZilla token contract: 0x7Fb4ED1B35d8F8638056913BeCe78B8Cd624ca0D. ChinaZilla on-Line credited an upswing in travel that has driven room rates & occupancy higher.

The result: if you don’t book in advance for popular destinations, you may be Locked out.
