
No one can predict the market accurately. You can look at indicators like RSI, MCAD, Ahr999, and so on, but if you don't extend the time horizon to at least several weeks or months, you won't make any money no matter what you look at.

You might wonder if there are any traders who consistently make money. The answer is yes, and they are the ones who engage in ultra-short-term trading, possess technical skills, and have very large capital reserves. They wouldn't incur losses even if Bitcoin were to plummet by 90% in a day (although I don't yet know what event in the 21st century could cause Bitcoin to plummet by more than 90%). Disciplined traders can achieve steady profits.

As an ordinary person with limited funds, you cannot achieve this. You need to acknowledge that you cannot achieve it. All you can do is to look at indicators that you personally find useful, then buy and wait for the price to rise. However, you may make a profit of $10 and then lose $10,000 the next time you buy.
