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3.23 Ethereum early morning market analysis and operation ideas Ethereum also successfully broke down to around 3280 this evening, and also fell below the lower support (3440-3363). The currency price may test the lower support again in the early morning, mainly due to the adjustment of technical indicators after the break, from the daily technical indicators Judging from the above, the three lines of the KDJ technical indicator turned downward, the DIF technical indicator among the MACD technical indicators once again showed a downward trend, and the BOLL technical indicator also showed signs of opening downward. Currently, the MA5 daily moving average and the MA10 daily moving average are moving downward together. The price of Ethereum has stabilized in the red TD8 falling pattern, which is synchronized with Bitcoin. From the perspective of daily technical indicators, there are signs of a second heavy volume decline in the currency price. However, the prerequisite for the decline is that the currency price can stabilize in the red TD9 falling pattern. form. Judging from the 4-hour technical indicators, the current KDJ technical indicators and MACD technical indicators are both in the short resonance stage. The short-term MA three-day moving average is still showing signs of going short and is arranged in a short position. At the same time, the intensity of the decline in the evening also caused Ethereum to overshoot. In terms of falling sentiment, after the rebound is adjusted, the currency price will continue to drop. If the 3460-3379 area cannot be effectively broken, it will be determined that the decline in the evening has effectively broken the key support. In the future, Ether will continue to go short and increase the volume, and then the target You can look down to around the 3145-2967 area. Otherwise, if you cannot fall below it, you will rebound and rise. Ethereum can be shorted in batches near 3350-3380, and the target can be seen; a line near 3280-3200 Bitcoin can be shorted in batches near 63800-64200. The target can be seen as: a line near 62700-61800 #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH

3.23 Ethereum early morning market analysis and operation ideas

Ethereum also successfully broke down to around 3280 this evening, and also fell below the lower support (3440-3363). The currency price may test the lower support again in the early morning, mainly due to the adjustment of technical indicators after the break, from the daily technical indicators Judging from the above, the three lines of the KDJ technical indicator turned downward, the DIF technical indicator among the MACD technical indicators once again showed a downward trend, and the BOLL technical indicator also showed signs of opening downward. Currently, the MA5 daily moving average and the MA10 daily moving average are moving downward together. The price of Ethereum has stabilized in the red TD8 falling pattern, which is synchronized with Bitcoin. From the perspective of daily technical indicators, there are signs of a second heavy volume decline in the currency price. However, the prerequisite for the decline is that the currency price can stabilize in the red TD9 falling pattern. form.

Judging from the 4-hour technical indicators, the current KDJ technical indicators and MACD technical indicators are both in the short resonance stage. The short-term MA three-day moving average is still showing signs of going short and is arranged in a short position. At the same time, the intensity of the decline in the evening also caused Ethereum to overshoot. In terms of falling sentiment, after the rebound is adjusted, the currency price will continue to drop. If the 3460-3379 area cannot be effectively broken, it will be determined that the decline in the evening has effectively broken the key support. In the future, Ether will continue to go short and increase the volume, and then the target You can look down to around the 3145-2967 area. Otherwise, if you cannot fall below it, you will rebound and rise.

Ethereum can be shorted in batches near 3350-3380, and the target can be seen; a line near 3280-3200

Bitcoin can be shorted in batches near 63800-64200. The target can be seen as: a line near 62700-61800


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5.8以太坊凌晨行情分析及操作思路 今天日内以太是出现了一波插针行情,其实说白了就是庄家还在洗盘搞事,个人估计洗盘结束后市场还会有所好转,多头才会进行放量拉升。这两天的短线行情针太多了,实量便无量,大家都知道月线走的好,那么庄家自然是不会让散户这么容易在这个市场获利的,所以多军要耐得住寂寞。 技术方面凌晨的变化其实不大的,目前比特币的日线走的极度优秀。12小时线BTC也是试图破位MA5进行多头放量上涨,至于以太坊走的比较弱的原因还是汇率压着的,这几天以太的汇率走的真的“一塌糊涂”,要不是汇率搞事,其实以太的价格早就站稳在3200上方并且起飞了。那么整体来看当前技术变化不大,我们思路也还是白天的分析看法一致 对于目前短线以太坊的震荡回踩情绪,个人是认定为庄家在控盘洗盘,后续以太在洗盘结束后币价将随月线大级别再度起飞,高点超短线第一强压价格还是参考在3175附近(日线MA30),后续若3175被有效突破并且企稳,则后续多头才会进行衔接放量,随后的高点强压目标也才可递进上看至3291-3379区域附近。 目前重点我们还是看超短线这波洗盘能否使以太的价格有效跌破低点关键支撑,目前价格微调参考在3052-3000区域附近。大家记住短线的回踩情绪只要无法有效跌破3052-3000,则后续以太坊怎么跌下来的还是会怎么拉升回去。 以太坊可在:3070-3050附近分批做多 止损:3000 目标看至:3160-3200 比特币:63500-63000附近分批做多 止损:62700 目标看至:64500-65200 #ETH #BTC $ETH
5.7以太坊午间行情分析及操作思路 凌晨至今天上午期间以太是出现了一波持续性的空头回踩情绪,不过其下跌力度是并未有效下破低点3070-3026区域的关键支撑价格。所以这里短线思路我们还是继续坚持看低点支撑不被有效跌破的情况下,本次以太坊是怎么跌下来的后续将会怎么V反拉升回去 从日线级别来看,KDJ和MACD指标当前还是做震荡同时小幅上扬的,BOLL中今日币价是跌至BOLL中轨下方,但大家注意下轨并未与空头产生联动,反之指标上收走强(这说明下方支撑之强力);主图中今日MA10和MA30日均线是继续做震荡下压的,但MA5日均线是做震荡上涨的,这里MA5和MA10交叉在了一起,同时方向是不一致的,所以短线走势存在容错。求稳的情况下我们这里辅助参考一下BTC的整体走势,目前日线级别KDJ和MACD的多头放量情绪是大于以太坊的,同时BOLL中币价依然是活跃在中轨上方;主图MA5日均线的走强情绪明显,且短线币价依然是活跃在MA5日均线上方的,所以就BTC的辅助参考来看,今天日内短线应该主流会跟BTC的走势进行移动,所以日内整体走势将会侧向震荡上行为主。 4小时级别来看,比特币的4小时和以太坊的4小时级别盘面形成了非常鲜明的对比,目前比特币4H币价已经是试图破位MA5并做绿色TD1的多头放量排列上涨;反观以太坊的4H线币价还是被MA5日均线所压制。不过好在MA30并未与空头产生联动,比特币的MA30日均线走的更是强势 以太坊可在:3110-3070附近一线多单 止损:3005 止损给的比较大,留补仓空间,目标看至:3160-3200 比特币可在:64100-63400附近一线多单 止损:62600 目标看至:65300-66000 #ETH #BTC $ETH
5.7以太坊凌晨行情分析及操作思路 今日以太坊晚间出现的极端画门行情,大概率是庄家洗盘所导致的,按目前大级别走势进行复盘的话,其实本次下跌是因为周线币价并没有站稳在MA5日均线上方,随后空头开始放量下跌(周线本来在今天白天是走强奔着站稳绿色TD1去的,结果大家也看到了)。其实主要原因还是本次上涨的量能没有进行衔接,空头在周线MA5日均线附近进场从而对看破位的短线合约多军进行一波收割,说白了还是庄家恶意洗盘收割市场罢了。目前指标方面月线级别走的还是比较良好的,特别是比特币月线走出了大级别拉盘的趋势节奏,所以今天下跌情绪就更像是在为后续大行情的到来做前奏铺垫 从日线技术指标来看,KDJ技术指标与MACD技术指标依旧处于震荡走强阶段,BOLL中短线币价继续粘合中轨震荡;主图MA5日均线也是继续走强上涨,当前日K币价依然是站稳在MA5日均线上方做绿色TD3的衔接排列放量。至于今天的跌幅情绪一方面是为了洗盘搞事,另一方面就是为了再次筑底下方关键支撑3070-3026区域。这里对于短线走势而言,日线MA5能否支撑的主本次跌幅也会决定本周以太坊的主要走向, 从4小时级别来看,当前KDJ和MACD指标死叉下跌,BOLL中短线币价也是跌至中轨下方,不过下轨走势是呈持续性上涨走强的(这就说明下方存在强烈的支撑限制短线空头的跌幅);主图MA5和MA10日均线交叉向下(其实这次MA5和MA10跌的很勉强),但MA30日均线在下方持续走强上涨,这同理于BOLL下轨。整体来看短线级别的下跌情绪只要无法有效跌破3070-3026,则本次短线怎么跌下来的后续还会怎么V反拉升回去。注意只有短线币价在有效跌破3070-3026并且企稳在其下方的情况下,则后续周线的回撤才有可能改变月线级别的技术走势。 $ETH #BTC #ETH

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