🎉 According to Odaily Planet Daily, on March 21, the price of Bitcoin rebounded to US$67,000, and the proportion of short position liquidations increased accordingly. According to Bitget data, in terms of BTC contracts, the total BTC holdings are 36.36 billion US dollars (-8.93%), the 24-hour trading volume is 131.18 billion US dollars (-9.01%), and the 24-hour liquidation volume: long orders are 55.99 million US dollars, and short orders are 75.42 million US dollars. USD, long/short ratio: 51.19%/48.81%, funding rate: 0.0134%. 😃

In terms of ETH contracts, the total ETH holdings are US$132 billion (+8.12%), the 24-hour trading volume is US$74.89 billion (+20.23%), and the 24-hour liquidation volume: long orders are US$55.72 million, short orders are US$50.42 million, and long orders are US$50.42 million. The /short ratio is 50.74%/49.26%, and the funding rate is 0.0153%. 🚀

In addition, the top three tokens with the largest increase in contract holdings are POLYX: US$58.69 million (+553.03%), ETHFI: US$47.09 million (+240.29%), and TRU: US$16.47 million (+142.80%). The blockchain industry continues to develop and Bitcoin performs strongly. Let us wait and see the future market trends! 🌟