I'll tell you something that may seem stupid: be rational in this market. In this bull market you will run into problems, there will be mornings where you wake up at -40% of your total portfolio. This has happened many times in previous bull markets, and those who tell you that the bull market is simple, that it just goes up and everyone makes money, are liars.
Most cryptocurrency investors lose money because they think they are professional traders. They see gains in their portfolio and think they are geniuses without realizing that everyone sees their portfolio grow at the same time.
The people who make the difference, the people who are “aloof” will be those who know how to sell and stay calm, remain rational and stick to their plans.
Plan your investment now, actually do it. Take a piece of paper, write down the total amount you are willing to invest, the total amount you are willing to lose, and the goal you want to achieve.
Determine your selling strategy (for example, I sell 50% of my crypto when it doubles to reinvest in another crypto) and follow this plan religiously. Without it, you will lose. Believe me, I have actually seen many beginners lose like this. And most of you will end up like this because you didn't follow these tips.
Be humble in the market, otherwise the market will humble you. The market is always right, you are often wrong. It's up to you to adapt and follow the rules of the market. If you don't understand what I'm talking about now, you will understand it during this bull market.
Hope some of you understand and apply these tips by trusting me.
This post reflects my views only.
Thank you for reading.
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