$BTC $PEPE $SEI I have been validating a preset for more than 72 days that uses RSI, MA and volume that have so far given me more than 70% gains with an average of 1.12% per day just by doing spot operations. I intend to follow my validation for the next 20 months right here on binance. If you want this preset faster, follow me and help me boost my portfolio. I accept donations. If everything goes well, and it certainly will, in 12 months I'll reach $25k and from then on it's just joy. Below is a print of a graphic pattern that uses a special MA configuration so you can get a taste of what's to come.
Spoiler: this setting can be used on any timeframe and currency that meets the preset I am using and validating. Follow me and help me boost my portfolio. Hugs to everyone and a tip: never sleep in position. Forget all this talk about waiting and/or buying more in the fall. forget!